Explaining the Rental Index Calculator and How Landlords Can Increase Rent Each Year When Renewing a Contract in Dubai Real Estate Market

Elucidating the Functionality of the Rental Index Calculator in Dubai and Outlining the Procedure for Annual Rent Escalation during Contract Renewal for Dubai Landlords.

6/24/20232 min read

woman writing on paper on table near lapop
woman writing on paper on table near lapop

Topic: Understanding the Rental Index Calculator and the Process of Annual Rent Increase on Contract Renewal for Landlords


The Rental Index Calculator is a crucial tool used in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to determine fair rental rates based on market conditions. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Rental Index Calculator and explain the process through which landlords can increase the annual rent upon contract renewal.

What is the Rental Index Calculator?

The Rental Index Calculator is a system established by the respective regulatory authorities in each emirate of the UAE to regulate rental prices. It takes into account various factors such as location, property type, size, and market trends to calculate a fair rental value for a specific property. The Rental Index Calculator provides a guideline for both landlords and tenants to ensure transparency and prevent arbitrary rent increases.

Annual Rent Increase on Contract Renewal:

When a lease term is set to expire, landlords in the UAE have the option to increase the annual rent upon contract renewal. However, this increase is subject to specific regulations and guidelines. Here is an overview of the process:

1. Consult the Rental Index Calculator: Prior to initiating any rent increase, landlords must consult the Rental Index Calculator provided by the respective regulatory authority in their emirate. The calculator will determine the maximum permissible rent increase based on the prevailing market conditions.

2. Determine the Maximum Rent Increase: The Rental Index Calculator takes into consideration factors such as the property's location, type, and current market trends to calculate the maximum permissible rent increase percentage. Landlords should adhere to this calculated percentage to ensure compliance with regulations.

3. Notice Period and Communication: Landlords are required to provide tenants with advance notice of the proposed rent increase, usually 90 days prior to the contract's expiry. The notice should clearly state the new rental amount and the reasons for the increase, referencing the Rental Index Calculator and the prevailing market conditions.

4. Negotiation and Mutual Agreement: Following the notice period, landlords and tenants have the opportunity to negotiate the rent increase. It is essential for both parties to engage in open communication and reach a mutually agreeable resolution. If an agreement cannot be reached, tenants have the right to file a dispute with the relevant regulatory authority.

5. Regulatory Approval: In some cases, landlords may need to seek approval from the regulatory authority before implementing the rent increase. This typically applies to rental contracts falling under specific categories or if the proposed increase exceeds the permitted limits.


The Rental Index Calculator plays a vital role in ensuring fair rental prices in the UAE. Landlords must utilize this tool to determine the maximum permissible rent increase upon contract renewal. Adhering to the guidelines set by the Rental Index Calculator, providing proper notice to tenants, engaging in open communication, and seeking regulatory approval when necessary are crucial steps for landlords to follow in the rent increase process. By following these procedures, landlords can maintain transparency, foster positive landlord-tenant relationships, and ensure compliance with the UAE's rental regulations.

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